Business Conduct, Ethics and Compliance
Challenges and Commitments
The company is aware of conducting business responsibly and ethically, in accordance with laws, rules, regulations and various operational standards, as well as monitoring and auditing in order to prevent potential impacts on business operations. The Company, therefore, focuses on conducting business in accordance with the Code of Conduct and operational supervision policies, as well as conducting business in a fair, transparent, and verifiable way to build confidence among shareholders, investors, and all groups of stakeholders, which leads to a sustainable economic, social, and environmental drive.
Key Stakeholders
Shareholder, Investor and Analyst
Supplier and Business Partner
understand and comply with the principles of good corporate governance and business ethics.
related to violation of the Code of Conduct in 2023.
acknowledge and sign the Good Corporate Governance Handbook and business ethics in 2023.
Management Approach
Business Code of Conduct
GGC intends to conduct business in accordance with good corporate governance principles, with transparency, morality and responsibility towards shareholders and relevant stakeholders by adhering to Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct and policies for supervising operations in compliance with relevant laws, rules and regulations, including international operating standards related to business operations, to reduce the risk of non-compliance with laws, rules and regulations as well as maintain the image and credibility of the Company to all groups of stakeholders.
In this regard, the GGC has prepared the Corporate Governance and Business Code of Conduct Handbook to communicate the Company's best practices, as well as promote business operations in the same direction. Additionally, promoting alignment in business operations and organizing activities to foster understanding of good corporate governance practices, and to instill awareness in managers and employees to adhere to business ethics. In 2023, employees received communication regarding the anti-corruption policy through the Good Corporate Governance Principles handbook, with a completion rate of 100 percent.
For more details on the Business Ethics and Legal Compliance Program and related regulations, see the 2023 Integrated Sustainability Report at Integrated Sustainability Report 2023
- Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) Project to show the intention to conduct business with transparency, without corruption, while encouraging employees to realize the importance of anti-corruption.
- Insider Trading Project to enhance understanding of internal information perception and guidelines for practice among company personnel, in order to mitigate the risk of internal information being misused for securities trading purposes.
- Anti-corruption Project to promote adherence to the company's operations in line with good corporate governance principles and to prevent and eliminate inappropriate behaviors that do not align with the organization's values.
- Training for Providing Knowledge to the Board of Directors in Sustainable Business Practices to inform board about global business trends and directions, enabling them to assess potential risks arising from these changes and support GGC's strategic direction.
- Hook Acknowledgement & Learning Project to foster knowledge and understanding of best practices in job execution among managers and employees, utilizing E-learning modules available through the GC Group's online platform.
Corporate Compliance System Verification
GGC evaluates and analyzes compliance processes in accordance with ISO 37301: Compliance Management Systems 2021. In 2023, a third-party organization, BSI Certification, reviewed and assessed GGC’s compliance system regarding relevant laws, standards, and requirements. Consequently, the Compliance Management System Procedure was developed to enhance the efficiency of compliance processes. Please find more details of the assurance statement in Integrated Sustainabiltiy Report 2023
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
GGC announces the anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy and guidelines, as well as supports and encourages employees at all levels to have a sense of anti-corruption. In addition, the Company is aware of the importance of the law on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Therefore, the Company has established a guideline to prevent the Company from becoming a tool of money laundering or financing terrorism.
In addition, GGC is also aware of the importance of continuously conducting business in accordance with the anti-corruption measures of the public and private sectors continuously, as well as the determination to fight against corruption in all forms. GGC continues to be a member of the Thailand's Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC). Furthermore, the Company must perform a self-assessment every 3 years and a corruption risk assessment every year in order to determine measures to prevent risks in terms of operational control, environment control, and financial Control, as well as and document storage. The Company must also produce an assessment report, which is signed by the audit committee, to confirm that the Company possesses policies, guidelines, and measures for risk assessment and prevention of corruption, as well as operates in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance according to the criteria set by the CAC. The Company must also communicate its no-gift policy to employees and business partners.
From the assessment of GGC’s internal control in 2023, according to the 5 main elements of internal control, no significant defects or flaws related to transactions that may cause conflicts of interest, fraud or violations of the law on securities and the Stock Exchange of Thailand or other laws related to the Company’s business were found.

Whistleblower System GRI 2-26 (2021)
GGC has established a whistleblower system policy to encourage complaints when inappropriate behaviors or actions against the business ethics of the group of companies are identified. The whistleblower can submit supporting documents for consideration through the Company's whistleblowing channel. All complaints will be treated equally, transparently and attentively. The Company is fair to all parties. Witnesses involved will be kept confidential and gain protection against retaliation, both during the investigation and after the investigation.
Whistleblower Procedure