Challenges and Commitments

Labors are considered as a crucial factor in sustainable business development for every organization. The issue of human rights and labor rights risks are one of the global concerns. To prevent adverse impacts on the company's operations from such risks, GGC is committed to managing safety in all of its operations, covering both safety in the production process and personal safety in accordance with national and international standards such as United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: UNGP that publish in 2011, to reduce the risks that may occur and promote equal treatment in accordance with human rights principles as well as preventing the loss of life, property, reputation of the Company, negative impacts on the community and the environment caused by accidents or incidents that may occur from its operations.

Key Stakeholders

Supplier and Business Partner


The number of Tier 1 production
process accidents is
in 2023
The number of Tier 2 production
process accidents is
0 in 2023
Lost Time Injury
Frequency Rate (LTIFR) is
in 2023
Be a Zero Accident Organization.

Management Approach

5-Year Occupational Health and Safety Strategy (2020-2024)
GRI 403-1 (2018), 403-2 (2018)

GGC has established a management policy on safety, occupational health and environment through the Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) to improve personal safety and production processes across the entire chain of operations. Furthermore, all factories are required to be certified according to the international ISO 45001 safety standards on Independent external verification of health, safety. GGC also builds confidence among stakeholders in regards to the Company's operations. In addition, GGC has formulated a 5-year safety, occupational health and environment strategy and integrated operations with international safety standards by focusing on occupational health and safety in 3 areas: Personal safety, Process Safety, and Operational Safety.
Personal Safety
  • Build strong B-CAREs culture
  • Collaborate contractor for strengthen contractor safety management
  • Strengthen understanding risk for higher effectiveness personal risk prevention
Process safety
  • Strengthen Safety Committed Culture
  • Strengthen PSM Governance via all levels of PSM committees
  • Expand Inspirational Leadership program to all level management supervisors & staffs
  • Enhance PSM Technical Capabilities of staff
Off the Job Safety
  • Develop and implement Road safety
Emergency/ Crisis Management
  • Strengthen Emergency & Crisis

For more details about the Health and Safety Performance, see Performance Data 2023

Duties of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee (SHE) GRI 403-4 (2018)

GGC has established the SHE Steering Committee to supervise and monitor the operation in accordance with the Company's internal safety, health and environmental standards, to meet international standards, and achieve the goal of being an accident-free organization. GGC has also set up an Occupational Health and Safety committee, which consists of representatives from employees to open channels for consultation with and participation of workers, and workers' representatives, as well as monitoring and evaluating SHE performance of related agencies. The progress of its operations is reported monthly.

1. Set and review policies, goals, plans for SHE.

2. Supervise, support and follow up on the SHE performance of relevant departments to operate according to international standards and consistent with the Company's policy.

3. Consider, approve and publish the SHE manual and key processes, covering the operations of the Company.

4. Hold a meeting of the SHE Board of Directors at least 6 times a year.

5. At the meeting, there shall be a quorum of not less than 50%.

6. Appoint sub-committees or working groups as necessary and appropriate.

Process Safety GRI 403-3 (2018)

GGC has applied Process Safety Management (PSM) as a standard for operations in the factory area and implemented the Plant Reliability Master Plan to ensure that production operations can continue to operate efficiently with maximum safety. In addition, the safety management in the production process is audited by external auditors. Furthermore, GGC has set additional risk mitigation measures to prevent the severity of the risks that may be encountered during operations, as well as the stability and performance management system of the machine production efficiency control and risk mitigation measures to reduce the likelihood of unsafe events, etc.

GGC has developed the efficiency of its safety potential, as well as maintained operational standards to be able continuous safe production by establishing production process safety projects such as:

Bow-Tie Barrier Validation Checklist Project GRI 403-2 (2018)

GGC has applied Bow-Tie risk identification to monitor process safety accidents. The Bow-Tie is used as a tool to verify various barriers used to prevent and mitigate the impacts of Major Accident Event (MAE) of the plant. The Company reviews the Preventive Maintenance (PM) of protective equipment in conjunction with actual on-site inspections. The Bow Tie Validation allows GGC to categorize the actions that have been observed into 2 categories, which are Actions that align with the Standards and Actions that are needed to be improved. In case of defects, relevant departments are responsible for considering and revising the relevant issue in order to return to work effectively as usual. This can prevent serious accidents and reduce interruptions in the production process. In addition, the obtained results have been used to continuously improve and develop systems and safety control standards in preparation for emergency situations that may occur both in the present and in the future through the integration of actions to prepare for and respond to emergency situations. In 2023, GGC has conducted the Bow-Tie Barrier Validation for both factory in Chonburi and Rayong.

Field Risk Assessment (FRA)

GGC runs this project consecutively for the forth year in 2023 to raise awareness, along with promoting knowledge and understanding of flaw detection and safety in the production process, through training for employees in the work area by assigning employees with knowledge and expertise to relay their knowledge and experience in the use of various equipment and machines, as well as transfer the skills to correctly observe and identify abnormalities in the production process to other employees. The project also promotes knowledge of danger prevention or risks from work. It also serves to inquire, discuss, and record abnormalities, as well as assess risks from front-line employees to find ways to improve operations. The performance is reported at the Occupational Health and Safety Committee (SHE) meeting every month.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Project GRI 403-5 (2018), 403-7 (2018)

GGC conducts an annual Business Continuity Plan (BCP) rehearsal through Microsoft Team. The objective of the training was to enhance understanding of the roles, duties, and responsibilities of each department, rehearse the response strategies of each department, and coordinate collaboration to minimize errors in real-life scenarios.

During the BCP Plans in 2023, a scenario was a simulation in which a short-circuit occurred at the control panel of the Auto Rack Warehouse, resulting in a fire outbreak and damages to the Auto Rack Warehouse structure. Consequently, GGC was unable to deliver goods to both local and international customers. Each department had to provide input to solve the problem collectively. The exercise involved sequencing events, establishing protocols for each time frame, defining responsibilities, assessing situations, and assigning individuals responsible for each activity to promptly address arising issues.

Training through scenario simulations involves adjustments each year and helps participants understand their roles, responsibilities, and response guidelines during emergencies to support accident readiness and minimize business disruption.

Benefits from the Programs

  • 56 employees participated in the project.
  • The company can manage and respond to risks appropriately and promptly.
  • To respond to emergencies and minimize their impact on business operations.
  • The BC Team understands their roles, duties, and responsibilities.
  • Relevant departments can take immediate corrective actions and collaborate to train and coordinate strategies, enabling the company to sustain its operations continuously

e-Permit to work (e-PTW)

The company has initiated the e-Permit to Work (e-PTW) project in the Rayong and Chonburi factory areas to enhance the efficiency of work permit applications, reducing processing times and providing convenience to inspectors for controlling and monitoring operations. With data stored online, approvals can be granted through the e-PTW system anytime, anywhere. In terms of the process Start Work Requested by Sub-Contractor, e-PTW can retrieved Sub-Contractor’s credentials and Sub-Contractor’s training that are necessary prior to start any work, for instance, Occupational Health and Safety Training, Working in Confined Space Training, other relevant skills, which help to reduce any human error for retrieving the information. Moreover, the e-Permit can generate a dashboard that present the relevant work approved and finished based each type of worked, which provides transparency to the operators, supervisors and relevant functions. The transparency of data can bring about better efficiency of work monitoring and analysis.

Personal Safety GRI 403-2 (2018)

GGC promotes safety culture to raise awareness of personal safety to employees and contractors, as well as sets various tools to drive the creation of a continuous safety culture, such as organizing 5S activities, organizing a safety committee meeting to report on the progress of safety operations on a monthly basis, accident risk reporting, continuous SWO (Safety Walk Observation) activities, and establish standards/safety procedures, etc.

However, accidents can still occur. Severe incidents may affect GGC's image and safety goals at a high level. GGC has, therefore, established a risk mitigation plan and personal safety promotion program to reduce the severity of such events as follows:

Raising Safety Awareness

GGC continues to raise awareness of safety and strengthen the management of necessary standards for production personnel at all levels on a regular basis, consisting of: Process Safety Management according to lawful standards, Reducing energy consumption in production, Promoting safe work discipline, and Waste Reduction.

Understand Risk Project

GGC has organized the Understand Risk Project to promote knowledge and understanding of safety and the risks involved in the work process for operators and contractors through conversation and performing OHS risk and hazard assessments to identify what could cause harm in the workplace, as well as test their knowledge on the steps to prevent the risk correctly. If it is found that operators’ knowledge and understanding of risk identification and the prevention of such risks is insufficient, GGC will provide additional training on how to properly and appropriately prevent risks that may occur in the future. From the implementation of the project, it is found that Employees have always been aware of the risks and safety issues in their operations.

Safety Walk Observation (SWO) Project

GGC has continued the SWO project since 2013 to create a safe culture in the organization by encouraging executives at the Vice President level to lead the team to observe the performance behavior of all employees and contractors in the production process through walks to perform Internal Inspection of activities and risky behaviors, as well as the safety of machinery and equipment within the work area on a regular basis of 5 days a week for 15 minutes, in order to record data and converse and discuss with employees if unsafe behavior is identified in the work area. The inspecting executive can complement employees when working safely or give warnings when encountering unsafe operations. The data is reported at the Operation Committee Meeting (OCM) every working day or to the Safety Committee (OAC) every month.

One Supervisor One B-CAREs GRI 403-7 (2018)

GGC aims to foster ownership of safety among department heads, internal staff, contractors, and other entities, focusing on utilizing Engineering Control principles to address hazardous sources and cultivate a Safety in Line Responsibility culture. Heads of Division or supervisors are encouraged to participate in a competition by submitting their own workplace safety improvement projects. This initiative will help strengthen the safety culture, raise awareness about safety, and encourage the development of safe work practices among staff.

In 2023, GGC has conducted ONE SUP ONE B-CARES Project Season 3 -2023 for employees in all functions to participate under the theme of Hands and Fingers Injury Prevention. There are various groups formed by employees that are participated. The top 3 projects that receive a price includes

  1. Special Tool Remove Cartridge Filter Project
  2. Coupling Weight Balance Adjustment to support the CPO & RPO Coupling Hos Project
  3. The movement of Sampling Station of 2300C001 Project

B-CAREs KYT Project

GGC has organized the B-CAREs KYT project to create participation in worker safety and a culture that emphasizes participation in on-site hazard analysis, as well as anticipating potential dangers and setting measures to manage those hazards to ensure safety for all workers through the Clip VDO B-CAREs KYT contest.

OHS Program GRI 403-2 (2018), 403-4 (2018), 403-5 (2018), 403-7 (2018)

  • OHS risk and hazard assessments to identify what could cause harm in the workplace, such as the One Supervisor project, One B-CARES, Bow-Tie Barrier Variation Checklist program, the Understand Risk Program, Job Risk Assessment System, etc.
  • Prioritization and integration of action plans with quantified targets to address those risks to improve operations and elevate safety standards sustainably, as well as achieving the goal of becoming a Zero Accident Organization
  • Integration of actions to prepare for and respond to emergency situations in the present and future through the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) annually.
  • Internal inspections according to the occupational health and safety and Environment (SHE) standards, such as the Safety Walk Observation (SWO) project. Evaluation of progress in reducing/preventing health issues/risks against targets, as well as achieving the goal of becoming a Zero Accident Organization
  • Procedures to investigate work-related injuries, ill health, diseases and incidents. The procedure includes
    • Incident Notification by responsible parties. The responsible parties will evaluate the incidents and given a rating score from high to low, which determines the incident response plans.
    • Investigation and countermeasure development are activated. The mitigation plans are established by responsible parties. This includes the incident reports and establishment of the incident indicators for measurement.
    • Incidents monitoring process are conducted throughout the incidents to make sure that the mitigation plans are compatible and reduce or diminish the severity of the incidents.
    • Once the incidents have diminished and subsided, the responsible parties will close the incidents reports and marked as incident completion.
  • The information of the incidents will be stored in a databased for future data analysis and for performance measurement and preventive action plans
  • OHS training provided to employees and/or other relevant parties to raise awareness and reduce operational health & safety incidents, For example, Operational Discipline training to create understanding among employees and contractors before entering the operational area, One Supervisor One Project to strengthen the culture of safety in the organization (B-CAREs)..
  • Specify criteria for contracting and procurement, for example, suppliers must have work permits, Safety Management Systems, and must have safety preparations for personnel within their own organization. GGC must also conduct a risk assessment of suppliers, for which the suppliers must pass an annual test. GGC also continually evaluates important suppliers on ESG to obtain quality suppliers and contractors that meet safety standards.

Promotion of Worker Health GRI 403-3 (2018), 403-6 (2018)

GGC is aware of the importance of taking care of the health of its employees. Therefore, GGC provides a health check-up for workers working on high-risk duties by qualified physicians as required by law. The first check-up must be completed within 30 days from the employee’s starting date. The next check-up is at least once a year. In case of absence from work for 3 consecutive days due to danger or illness, abnormality, or the operator may have an illness due to working for GGC, employees will be treated immediately. GGC, then, investigates the cause of the abnormality to prevent further issues. The health check-up results must be strictly kept confidential in accordance with the Company’s privacy policy.

In addition, the Company has implemented various projects to maintain the health and well-being of its employees. For more information, see Our Employee