GGC Sustainability Framework
GGC Sustainability Framework GRI 2-23 (2021), GRI 2-24 (2021), GRI 3-3 (2021)
The Sustainability Framework is the Company’s management approach that has been defined and promulgated to manage sustainability issues across the group in a consistent manner and ensure compliance with international standards, comparable to leading international companies.
Sustainability frameworks are processes that integrate sustainability visions, strategies, action plans and actions into part of day-to-day operations. It acts as a tool for executives, enterprise-level departments, business units, operational areas, and operating units to operate according to the set goals.
The GGC sustainability framework consists of 5 steps as follows:
Step 1: Defining Policy and Goals
Executives must show their commitment by setting policies and goals for sustainability. These goals are then communicated to companies within the group to be applied to the policies. The goals are also communicated to employees, business partners, and relevant parties.
Step 2: Prioritization and Evaluation
The Company analyzes and prioritizes sustainability issues every year and is aware of economic, social, and environmental issues that may affect the creation of added value, both in the short term and in the long term, as well as how this may affect the decision of stakeholders.
Step 3: Planning
An action plan is set to manage the development opportunities that have been prioritized. The action plan is directly related to the business plan. Responsibilities are defined. It also incorporates sustainability issues into corporate culture, job duties and responsibilities, as well as compensation.
Step 4: Operations
The operations follow the established action plan in conjunction with other business plans and apply best practices, exchange knowledge, and produce lessons learned, as well as serve as a Learning Management System.
Step 5: Review
The Company conducts an annual review of sustainability management performance to assess the progress of the performance and improve the operational plan to achieve the specified goals.