Awards and Recognitions

Highlight Awards
CDP Climate Change 2023
GGC participated in the CDP assessment on climate change management for the third year in a row and received a score of A-, reflecting the Company's commitment. in managing risks and impacts from climate change, which is part of sustainability operations.

Highlight Awards
S&P ESG CSA 2023
GGC participated in S&P ESG CSA 2023 assessment, a well-known Corporate Sustainability Assessment, that leading companies around the world have participated. The assessment will be according to different industries, where GGC is categorized to be in Chemical Industry. GGC received the score of 76 out of 100, which is accounted as the 99 percentile of scores from companies in Chemical Industry and has been mentioned as 1 of the leading companies that have excellent sustainable practices within Chemical industry in S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2024.

Highlight Awards
Silver 2023 Ecovadis Sustainability Rating
GGC received a Silver award from EcoVadis with a score of 65, which is an assessment of sustainability covering 4 dimensions: environment, labor and human rights, business ethics, and sustainable procurement. This reflects the operations of the Company and strengthens confidence among stakeholders in conducting business that is consistent with sustainability throughout the supply chain. The implementation of human rights projects will help increase GGC’s chances of receiving the Gold award next year.

Highlight Awards
Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR 2023)
GGC received the “Excellent” or 5-star corporate governance award for the fifth consecutive year from the 2022 Corporate Governance Survey of Listed Companies under the supervision of the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) with support from The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). This award reflects GGC’s transparent management and equal treatment of all stakeholders, as well as the Company’s continuous focus on developing excellent corporate governance.