Code of Conduct for Investor Relations Officers (IROs)

GGC considers “Investor Relations”, one of the company’s key front-line functions that has high interaction with investment community and public at large, as a company’s spokesperson not only to ensure investors’ confidence in the company’s business operations, but also to promote the company’s Good Corporate Governance by means of its ethical disclosure and all of its acts adhering to the code of conduct for all Investor Relations personnel as follows:
- Perform duties with integrity and in a professional manner
- Disclose sufficient information by considering stakeholders’ benefit, rights, and fair treatment
- Ensure that relevant stakeholders can access and inquire for necessary information
- Confidential information must be maintained, and any inside information for personal benefits and those of relevant parties are strictly prohibited
- Conduct regular updates to refresh wider knowledge, rules and regulations to enhance IR officer’ effectiveness
- IR officers should not disclose any information involving the Company’s near future performance to outsiders at least 14 calendar day prior to the next financial statement submission to the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- Directors, Management of Investor Relations Division are prohibited to trade the Company’s stock during the period 30 calendar days in advance prior to the Company’s disclosure of news on its financial statements to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and at least 24 hours after the disclosure of such news (for Quarterly closing) and during the period 45 calendar days in advance prior to the Company’s disclosure of news on its financial statements to SET and at least 24 hours after the disclosure of such news (for Year-end closing)